• Manager£ºJiujun Li
  • Mobile£º+86-13903119840
  • Phone£º+86-0311-88708888
  • Fax£º+86-0311-88709840
  • E-mail£º86234885@163.com
  • Skype£ºsjz139
  • MSN£ºsjz139@hotmail.com
  • Postal Code£º050041
  • Address£ºYuhua District In
  •                     Shijiazhuang No.68 Road
  •                     side (b plant North)


air cleaning from vapors, fumes, gas mixes harmful to humans, engine exhaust gases;
sorbent for cleaning up oil and sewage in water area, air within mine from explosive products;
cleaning sewage and closed industrial main way;
when handling oil spill in Northern Sea along Normandy seashore vermiculite was used, and the spill was handled in two weeks, while the other handling methods would take about 1.5 year.
Copyright(C) Shijiazhuang brilliant sand garden plant                                       Admin   E-mail£º86234885@163.com   Website£ºwww.51caisha.com
Hotline£º+86-0311-88708888 Mobile Phone£º+86-13903119840                Postcode£º050041 Address£ºYuhua District In Shijiazhuang No.68 Road side (b plant North)